(International Green Construction Code)
H & H Codes is an ICC IgCC certified Green Construction Code Plans Examiner/Inspection Agency, providing IgCC reviews, inspections, certification, and commissioning narratives for resorts, hotels, residential, industrial, commercial, educational, medical, and public facilities.
In General:
- Pre-Occupancy Commissioning Reports are required by the building officials to justify that, “All work has been done in accordance with the International Green Construction Code (IgCC.)”
- Post-Occupancy Commissioning Reports are required by the building officials (“36-month after the issuing of certificate of occupancy”) to verify the continuous operation of green buildings under the IgCC.
- Building Operation & Maintenance Narrative indicating manufactures’ specification, recommendation, and programing procedures are required by the building official to be submitted by an “Approved Agency.”
H & H Codes is a third party green construction code specialist, LEED certified accredited professional, IgCC certified ASHRAE 189-GC (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers,) and expert in:
- Site development and land use,
- Materials conservation and efficiency,
- Energy conservation and efficiency, CO2e emission reduction,
- Water resource conversation, quality and efficiency,
- Indoor environmental quality and comfort control,
- Commissioning, operation, and maintenance.
H & H Codes’ staff are sustainability consultants; serving Architects, Engineers, and Developers in planning, constructing, operating, and maintaining high Green Building Ratings since 2009 (across the United States.)
A 2009 report by the U.S. General Services Administration found 12 sustainably-designed buildings that cost less to operate and have excellent energy performance. In addition, occupants were more satisfied than those in typical commercial buildings. These are the Eco-Friendly Buildings.
H & H Codes asserts the use of Single-Attribute & Multi Attribute Products Certifications; such as:
H & H Codes’ Green Building reviews, certifications, commissioning, and operation-maintenance narratives (as an independent third-party consultant) applies to the followings:
- New Construction (NC) Neighborhood Development (ND)
- Commercial Interiors (CI) Core & Shell (CS)
- Schools (SCH) Retail Centers (RC)
- Healthcare (HC) Homes (R1-R2-R3)
- Existing Buildings, Operations & Maintenance (EB O&M)
In addition, H & H Codes‘s staff are expert in building performance and energy auditing issues, such as:
- Sustainable Sites. Water Efficiency.
- Energy & Atmosphere. Materials & Resources.
- Indoor Environmental Quality. Locations & Linkages.
- Awareness & Education. Innovation in Design.
- Regional Priority through a set of prerequisites and credits.
H & H Codes’ Green Building Narratives are in accordance with the International Green Construction Code (IgCC,) addressing low to zero environmental impact, and net positive sustainability.
Green Building Certification
Approved projects and completed buildings may earn from H & H Codes up to “9-Star” Green Construction Certification when complying with the following:
- Jurisdictional requirements and life cycle assessment compliance.
- Site development and land use compliance.
- Material resource conservation and efficiency compliance.
- Energy conservation‚ efficiency and CO2e emission reduction compliance.
- Water resource conservation‚ quality and efficiency compliance.
- Indoor environmental quality and comfort compliance.
- Commissioning‚ operation and maintenance compliance.
- Innovation in energy efficient design compliance.
- Building performance and integrated elements compliance.
According to Green Building Standards and Certification System: A green product certification is considered most respected when an independent third party is responsible for conducting the product testing and awarding the certification.
- H & H Codes examines major issues; such as the way a building site is positioned, as well as minute details; such as what the carpet fibers are made of.
The main goals set by H & H Codes in an IgCC review are: 1) Prevention of Waste, 2) Minimization of Energy, 3) Reuse of Material, 4) Recycling of Bi-Products, 5) Recovery of Natural Resources.
As much as a LEED Certification; H & H Codes’ IgCC Certification is a trade mark
recognition of
environments, set in accordance with the International Green Construction Code (IgCC,) and based on an award of a ONE STAR for compliance with each of the IgCC nine performance issues, and up to NINE STARS when full compliance with all Green Construction issues are included and implemented.
- H & H Codes construction documents’ reviews (under the IgCC) begins with assisting designers (Architects, Engineers & Developers) by establishing the minimum guidelines for a successful Green Constructions Building, for example:
“Site Project Electives,” such as; flood hazard areas preservation, minimization, and relationship to existing buildings, location within wildlife corridors, infill sites, brownfield sites, existing site restoration, mixed use development, lockers and shower facilities, bicycle parking and storage, creation of heat island, landscaping types and roofing materials.
“Material Resources Conservation & Efficiency,” such as: selection of waste management, construction landfill maximization, material reused, recycled content, recyclable, bio-based and indigenous material use, service life plan, design for deconstruction, existing building materials reuse, and historic building materials reuse.
“Water Resources Conservation & Efficiency,” such as; onsite waste water treatment, alternate non-potable water for outdoor hose connections and for plumbing fixtures flushing, automatic fire sprinkler system and alternate non-potable water fire pumps, Alternate non-potable water for industrial process and cooling tower makeups, and gray water connection provided by the localities.
Contact allen@hhcodes.com for additional info.
Honolulu (808) 745-3656 * Arcadia (626) 358-1111 * Anaheim (714) 808-8333